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Drs. Robert and Elizabeth Bjork Learning and Forgetting Lab UCLA on learning and performance, desirable difficulties, memory, retrieval and storage strength, interleaving versus blocked study, and the correlation between identity based motivation and fixed and growth mindset. Start with Will Emeny’s notes.
When I heard Layla Saad’s conversation about white women who believe they are one of the good ones on NPR earlier this year, I gulped. I’m in the thick of her workbook Me and White Supremacy designed for people who think they are one of the good ones. It’s compelling, thought provoking, and attitude changing work that I’m exploring with a small group of white women (ages 25-65).
Found Jason Reynolds and Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You. Audible version. Jason Reynolds’ delivery is fast-paced, entertaining, and enlightening. Definitely recommend to students of all ages. Wish it were required listening or reading.